A complete set of mounting tools, handed down by Iwasaki Seishodo's mounting masters: past, present, and future
Iwasaki Seishodo was founded in 1973. We have continued our work by restoring hanging scrolls, folding screens, frames, and other works of art that have been passed down from generation to generation, reviving the history that has been passed down from the past. The store is located in an environment surrounded by nature in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture, and has been run by a family for generations. Work with an eye on 50 or 100 years, not 5 or 10 years. Someday, your children and grandchildren will send in the works you cherish for repair. In order to put as little stress on the work as possible, we carefully assess the condition of the work and use only natural materials such as handmade paper, glue, and spring water, and use the best possible repair methods. Masu. In recent years, the world's infrastructure environment has changed rapidly, and people's values are also undergoing major changes. However, no matter how much time changes, there are some unique works that retain their unchanging value. As long as such works do not lose their value, the work of the mounting artists will not disappear. Iwasaki Seishodo engages in its daily work, always keeping in mind the sense of mission to "preserve and pass on to the next generation."

Kouyou Ishizaki “Fukigusa”

Iwasaki Seishodo store gallery
The gallery attached to the workshop displays a large number of works, including hanging scrolls. This is also a space filled with the hope that everyone can experience traditional Japanese works that many people feel far away from. Please refer to SNS for information on gallery exhibitions.

Creating a new type of Western-style hanging scroll in collaboration with a glass artist
Masakatsu Iwasaki, the second generation, has created a hanging scroll with delicate glass work by Yukako Kojima who lives in Toyama City. She has won numerous awards. He displays this work ``forest'' at department stores in Toyama and Kanazawa in 2022. He created works with a new sensibility that fused traditional Japanese culture and Western culture, and appealed to them as new expressions for modern living spaces.

Mounting craftsman introduction
Iwasaki Seiseido was founded by Shoji Iwasaki, and was inherited by his son, Masakatsu Iwasaki, and in 2023, his grandson, Taisei Iwasaki, joined the studio. The name comes from the words of Shoji Iwasaki was said, ``Do your best,Do the right thing confindently.'' Using techniques passed down through family members, we have restored many Japanese paintings.
初代 岩﨑正二が創業した岩崎精正堂は、子の岩﨑正克によって受け継がれ、また2023年には孫の岩﨑太成が入店を果たしました。屋号の由来は「精一杯、正しいことを堂々と」という初代 正二の言葉から。家族によって相伝される技術でこれまで数々の名作を世に甦らせ現在に至ります。

A special program about "Hyogu master Masakatsu Iwasaki" was aired in his hometown of Toyama. Please take a look at the second generation Masakatsu's commitment on Youtube.

The third generation, Taisei, returned to Japan after spending four years learning highly specialized techniques at the Nishio Conservation Studio in the United States, the pinnacle of restoration technology. He also held workshops in Taiwan and worked to disseminate Japanese culture. He is injecting new life into Iwasaki Seishodo by incorporating rational and high-quality overseas techniques into ancient Japanese techniques.